Marble Mazes with Buddies

This term we have been busy working with our buddies (Mrs Robertson’s year 6/7 class) to make marble mazes. To start with everyone designed their mazes and had to make sure it had at least 2 dead ends and was creative. They also decided on a theme for their maze. After finishing their detailed designs and clearly labelling them with the materials needed they began making them! It took a few lessons to put them together. Here are some photos of the completed mazes. Students had fun trying the mazes out.

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5 Responses

  1. Jasen (Hayden's dad) at |

    Wow fantastic job class.
    So much talent and creativity by all the class.

  2. Chandan (Akash's mum) at |

    Looks great. Well done everybody.

  3. Hunter at |

    They all look amazing???

  4. Teagan at |

    I love my buddies ?

  5. Jesse's Mum at |

    Our whole family has enjoyed playing with Jesse’s and Ned’s maze creation 🙂


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