Music is Fun Performance!

Today the Music is Fun band came to our school. It was fantastic!! We sang along to all the songs that we had been learning in Performing Arts lessons with Mrs Rayner. We also enjoyed learning about the different instruments that were being used in the concert. During each song some students went on stage to help out and were given some cool costumes to wear. Our class was chosen to help out with The Green Pea song. Cooper, Jamal, Louise, Kiara and Hunter had to dress up as green peas and go on stage. They looked incredible!! We were very proud and thought they did a great job. The concert went for just over an hour and the whole time we were busy singing, dancing, clapping and laughing a lot. Our class loved the show and can’t wait for the band to come to our school again. Here are some photos from the concert:

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4 Responses

  1. Hunter at |

    Wans’t that a good performe I love the music is fun band my favourite bit about it is when me Cooper, Jamal, Lousie and Kiara went on stage.👍👍👍👍

  2. Cooper at |

    I loved it.

  3. Pearl at |

    I Love the final count bown!!
    THE FINEL COUNT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! 11\11\16

  4. Louise at |

    It was really fun performing with Hunter,Cooper,Jamal and Kiara. I thought are costumes were funny.


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