At Craigburn Primary School each class has a process for electing class Student Representative Council members. The children nominated themselves as wanting to be our class reps. They then had to give a presentation and the rest of the class had to listen very carefully to what each child had to say.

After the presentaions the children had to vote.

What a fantastic job the children did! To stand up in front of the class and talk about why we should vote for them is quite difficult!

They should be very proud of themselves and it was very hard to choose our SRC reps.

Look at Smilebox and you will see who Room 4’s new SRC Representatives are.

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6 thoughts on “SRC

  1. Wow! You should all be very proud of yourselves! Speaking in front of your classmates can be a very hard thing to do and I think you are all very brave being able to do it. I’m sure you all spoke well – the posters I saw looked impressive!
    Congratulations not only to the two representatives, but to all of you for having a go.
    From, Frau Smith

  2. Congratulations to you all! SRC has a very important role within the school. The SRC representatives have a valuable role to play. It’s great to practice speaking in front of others too – even if it sometimes feels a little scary. It does get easier!

  3. Hello everyone – great job! The two SRCs look very responsible – I am sure they will do a great job representing your class. Woodpeckers have 2 school councillors and 2 eco councillors. Do you have eco councillors as well?

  4. Congratulations! and well done to you all, I think you all make wonderful representatives of the school every day and think you did an amazing job with the presentations, I will know who to ask for some tips!

  5. I really enjoyed watching everyone give their presentation, it was great to see you speaking so well & confidently. You ALL did such a wonderful job and should be very proud of yourselves.

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