Our Pinocchio Puppets

This term our unit of inquiry has been about toys from the past and present. We have been investigating how they have changed or stayed the same over the years. We have looked at many toys that we had never seen before. During our discussions we have looked at what toys were made of in the olden days and what they are made of today. There are many toys that are still the same as the olden day ones but they are now made of plastic and need batteries or electricity to move.

Yesterday, as a conclusion to our topic we watched Pinocchio.Pinocchio was a toy that was made a long time ago, but marionette puppets are still used today.We had a fun day today because we made our own puppets using cardboard and split pins. What colourful puppets they were!

If you watch this short movie clip you will see us moving our puppets to one of the songs in the film.


Assembly Awards

Congratulations to these people for earning an assembly award. You must be very proud of yourselves and I’m sure your parents are too!

From your friends in Room 4.


It's Raining, It's Pouring!

Wow, what an amazing sight awaited us when we looked out our classroom door this afternoon. It had been raining all day and we had to stay inside at Recess and Lunchtime. After lunch it started to rain and hail and there was thunder too! The rain was particularly heavy and when we looked outside, the water was coming towards our room! Luckily the drain managed to take the water away and a plumber was able to clear the main drain.

Look at these photos and you can see how much water was around!

Luckily the water had gone by the time the children had to be picked up by the parents. Otherwise they would have had very wet feet!

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We love it when we go book shopping. We usually do it once a week and today was the day. We spread all our books out on the tables. Then we walk around the room and choose good fit books to put in our book boxes that we read for the week.

Our stamina is quite good  now and Mrs. K knows that we are able to read for a long time and stay focussed. Today was also a special day because we got to sit on lovely chairs while we read.

When we Read To Someone we also sat on the chairs together. We are trying very hard to ask each other questions so that we can check for understanding.

Here are some photos of us book shopping and reading to ourselves.

Do you read to each other in your class?

What sorts of books do you read?

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The Australian Museum Of Childhood Visit.

This term Our Inquiry topic is ‘Playing with Time.’ Through this unit we have been exploring how toys have changed or stayed the same over time. We have been investigating the passage of time and relating it to our lives and the lives of our families in the past. This Inquiry is a component of History in the new Australian Curriculum. To help us explore this topic we had Alan from the Australian Museum of Childhood come to visit us.

He brought along many types of toys so that the children could experience through hands on learning activities toys and games used in the past and the present.

All the Year Ones had such fun being able to hold and play with toys they had not previously seen. It gave them a real appreciation of the types of toys used in ‘the olden days’. Many thanks to Alan for running this interesting session.


Toy Museum on PhotoPeach