Book Boxes

We have been working on our Stamina as we read our books to ourselves each morning. We are able to read quietly, stay in one spot and remain focussed on our books for quite a long time.

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This morning we were very excited because Mrs. K spoke to us about Book Boxes. We have our own boxes and into them we need to put good fit books so that we are able to continue with our great reading.

We got to go book shopping! We put all our books on the tables and we went round and chose books to put in our boxes. It was such fun! Now when we Read To Self and Read To Someone we will have lots of books in our boxes to read.


We love it when we go book shopping. We usually do it once a week and today was the day. We spread all our books out on the tables. Then we walk around the room and choose good fit books to put in our book boxes that we read for the week.

Our stamina is quite good  now and Mrs. K knows that we are able to read for a long time and stay focussed. Today was also a special day because we got to sit on lovely chairs while we read.

When we Read To Someone we also sat on the chairs together. We are trying very hard to ask each other questions so that we can check for understanding.

Here are some photos of us book shopping and reading to ourselves.

Do you read to each other in your class?

What sorts of books do you read?

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