Our New Cubby

Room 24 would like to thank Nicholas and his family for donating their cubby to our unit. There will be three classes very happy to use it! We send a very BIG thank you to Martin for coming in and putting the cubby back together!





Our Buddies

Since the beginning of the year we have been spending time each week with our Buddies from Mr. Steven’s class.

We’ve been reading with them and doing some writing activities with them.

This afternoon our buddies helped us to make origami bookmarks.

We used origami paper and made lots of interesting animals and creatures.

These photos show us working co-operatively with our buddies and the fantastic bookmarks we made.


Book Boxes

We have been working on our Stamina as we read our books to ourselves each morning. We are able to read quietly, stay in one spot and remain focussed on our books for quite a long time.

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This morning we were very excited because Mrs. K spoke to us about Book Boxes. We have our own boxes and into them we need to put good fit books so that we are able to continue with our great reading.

We got to go book shopping! We put all our books on the tables and we went round and chose books to put in our boxes. It was such fun! Now when we Read To Self and Read To Someone we will have lots of books in our boxes to read.