Mind Maps- An aspect of our Inquiry Unit

Do you know what a mind map is? It’s a way of recording your thoughts. You start with a Central Idea and then link your thoughts about the topic. Your mind map may have lots of links or just a few.

 The children worked on a mind map today. They had to think about what makes a great working group.

There was lots of thinking and writing.




Together the children shared their ideas. I was amazed at what they were able to come up with.





Here are two mind maps. The children shared their thoughts as a whole group.



We are developing an understanding of good group work in preparation for the rest of our Unit of Inquiry, which is planning a trip!! As a small group the children will be investigating the processes involved in organising an excursion. Each group will the present their plans to the whole unit so that we can make a decision on a suitable learning excursion for us all to go on.










Are you a Junior Master Chef?

This week our topic for Show and Tell was… Junior Master Chef.
Here are the things the children had to consider:
Do you like to cook? Talk about something you’ve made in the kitchen. You may like to bring some photos of you cooking or even a mini taste test for our class judges! Make sure you are able to discuss the steps involved in your recipe.
Well, what a fantastic success it was! We have sampled absolutely delicious food ALL week! There was such a variety of tastes and sensations. As judges we gave our thoughts on taste, texture, sweetness, crunchiness, preparation etc. Then we had the very hard task of giving a score. Everyone got a 10 because the creations were all fabulous! Many thanks to the great parents who were chef assistants!

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Play Diaries

After our Play session today the children completed a writing exercise. They had to give a Recount of the activities they were involved in and who they interacted with. It was important that the children included the correct punctuation (capitals, fullstops, finger spaces). They had to proof read as they went along. Here are some examples of their work.



At the end of our Play session we wrote in our Diaries. We would like to share them with you.



A visit from Lab on Legs.

Today Carol from CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research organisation) presented a program called Lab on Legs. We got to be young scientists and through hands on activities the children got to investigate ‘push and pull’. They discovered that these were forces that could be used in many ways. The children investigated magnets, waddling ducks, a balancing bee and moving a car. They were able to make predictions and came to understand that making mistakes was a good thing because it meant you could keep on investigating!

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Children in Room 4, what did you think of our afternoon? What did you learn?
If you are a visitor, have you had Lab on Legs come to your school?

My Favourite Toy

We all love our toys!! Our Show and Tell this week was to bring along a toy that was very special to us and talk to the rest of the class about its significance to us. We had a variety of special visitors! It was interesting to see how many fluffy toys came to see us. They are very comforting to go sleep with.

Term Overview


Make sure you go to the Class Information page to read our Overview for the term. Here you will see all the terrific things that are happening in our room in Term 3.