Three Way Conferences

Craigburn’s Three way conferences are going to be happening over the next few weeks. A sheet with the times I am available went home with your child today. Could you get it back to me with your 3 preferences as soon as possible. Those that return promptly usually get their first choice.

If you lose your sheet please click on the following link and print off another one.

3 way conferences

February 29th

Whoo-hoo it’s February 29th. We get an extra day to learn in our classrooms and with our friends around the world!

As we are part of a huge number of schools around the world who will be blogging today, one of our Quadblogging  buddies suggested that we write 29 great things about our schools. 

So room 4 has thought long and hard about this and here are our top 29 terrific things about Craigburn Primary School.

1. Our school is very clean.

2. We have a lovely oval.

3. There are koalas in our trees.

4. We have lots of computers to share.

5. We have lovely playgrounds.

6. We have pets in our classroom.

7. We love to do rubbish pick up because we get to go on the oval. Sometimes we collect lots!

8. Music is fun and we love to play music.

9. P.E. is fun because we get fit.

10. We have friends.

11. We like learning.

12. Our SRC Reps tell us what is going to happen in our school.

13.We all like the school discos.

14. We have big gum trees and lots of bushes.

15.We’ve got lovely classrooms because we put lovely things in them.

16. When we have Play in our room everyone must co-operate.

17. We have nice buildings and they are big.

18.The things we do are fun.

19. Without  Mr.Wait, Mr. Luke,  Mrs. Gillespie and the teachers this school wouldn’t be as good as it is.

20. In German we get to play games.

21. There are smiling faces where ever you go.

22. Mrs. Kolenberg reads good books.

23. Daily 5 is fun.

24. We have lovely bendaroos.

25.We are lucky to have lots of equipment.

26. Play is fantastic because you get to make,relax, do the home corner, construct and do make believe!

27. Mrs. Kolenberg is cool.

28.We love to read books and Craigburn has lots of them.

29. Craigburn is a great place to learn!

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This free scrapbook design generated with Smilebox

Daily 5-Word Work

During our word work session today we did activities that would help to consolidate our weekly spelling words. We practised Look, Cover, Write , Check on white boards. Some of us then used Bendaroos to make our words. Other people used foam and magnetic letters to make theirs. It was fun and a great way to learn at the same time!

After word work Mrs. Kolenberg read a story and we even found some of our words in the book!









Here are photos of us very busy with our words!











Daily 5- Read To Someone

As part of The Daily 5 today we focussed on Read To Someone. 

When you read to someone you:   


-Sit EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee)         


-Use a soft voice

-Read the whole time

-Check for understanding

-Get started right away

-Put our books away properly.

We have to choose a partner and to do that we look around and make eye contact with someone. We walk over that person and ask them if they would like to be our partner. We are trying to build up our Stamina so that we can stay focussed on reading with someone for a longer period of time.

Here are some photos showing  you how we read to someone today.

Junior Primary Assembly

Room 4 had a very important job to do today. We ran the Assembly for the Reception and Year One classes.

We had to work out what we were going to say and then practice our speeches so that we could speak confidently into the tmicrophone.

The childen were fantastic!! They all did a wonderful job. The audience could hear them and everyone spoke so well.

We watched the other classes share their learning and it was fun to sing some great songs.


Congratulations to Frank, Kelton and Clara for receiving an assembly award.

Watch Vimeo to see us dancing to ‘Fruity Samba’

Fruity Samba from Leanne Kolenberg on Vimeo.


At Craigburn Primary School each class has a process for electing class Student Representative Council members. The children nominated themselves as wanting to be our class reps. They then had to give a presentation and the rest of the class had to listen very carefully to what each child had to say.

After the presentaions the children had to vote.

What a fantastic job the children did! To stand up in front of the class and talk about why we should vote for them is quite difficult!

They should be very proud of themselves and it was very hard to choose our SRC reps.

Look at Smilebox and you will see who Room 4’s new SRC Representatives are.

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Create your own photo album

Our Inquiry Unit



Today Rooms 3 and 4  began their Unit Of Inquiry called “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”. The  Central Idea is that our bodies keep us alive and healthy.

We all went to the library and Mrs. Langham spoke with us about our body systems.

Do you know that we have 600 muscles in our body?

We drew a diagram of our body and we are going to label the important body parts.






Good Fit Books

Today rooms 3 and 4 talked together about picking books that are a good fit. Mrs. K and Miss C brought along some footwear and they talked about them having a specific purpose and that they  needed to fit to be worn successfully.

It’s the same when we read. We need to make sure the books we read are suitable for us and that we know the words and understand what we are reading.

Here is a sign that will help your child to remember to choose the perfect book!



On the first day of school we coloured in our names with crayon. Today we painted over them with bright paints. While some of us were painting the rest of the class was busy doing their work. Mrs. Kolenberg will laminate our paintings and put them in our room for the rest of the year. Do you like them? Have you got paintings in your room?