Buddy Reading

Our buddy class has been practising reading with fluency just as we have.They went to the library and carefully chose books that would be a good fit book to read to us. They practised in their classroom and then came to read to us.
We listened to them read their books and then we shared the books in our book boxes to read with our buddies. It was a lovely way to share our reading skills.

Here we are reading together on PhotoPeach.


Do you have a buddy class that does fun things with you?
What sorts of activities do you do with them?

Career Day

It was Career Day at Craigburn Primary School. The older students had to dress up in clothes that depicted what they might like to be when they grew up. For the Junior Primary students, they could also dress-up like that or come in fancy dress.

We had lots of people dress up! Flynn came as an architect, Giverny came as a David Jones assistant, Otis was a soccer player and we had two pop stars.

Others came as super heroes, princesses, fairies, guards and gymnasts or calisthenics people.

Have a look at us wearing our special clothes!

Channel 10 News Van

Wow,what an exciting afternoon we had today. The Channel 10 news crew came to Craigburn Primary to look at some of the great things our school does. They visited some classes, talked to the students and we were able to watch what happened on the news later that night.

Andy was the man in charge of the van that sent the live news feed back to Channel 10. He was very friendly and he was happy to show us his van and how the footage taken at Craigburn was sent back to the station.

We were able to go inside the van and look at the many buttons, phones and other interesting things that technicians need to present the news.

We were able to put on the headphones that the producers speak in to.

We were very fortunate to get the opportunity to speak with Andy and we send him a very big THANK YOU for spending time with us and allowing us to see how things work behind the scenes.

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National Simultaneous Storytelling

After Recess today it was time for Simultaneous Storytelling.

Many thanks to Oakleigh State School for providing this information about
why this time is so significant and the many benefits that this type of storytelling has:

“National Simultaneous Storytime is an important annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. Now in its 13th successful year it is a colourful, vibrant and fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy using an Australian children’s book that explores age appropriate themes and addresses key learning areas of the National Curriculum for Years 1 to 6.

Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country.
By facilitating National Simultaneous Storytime we aim to;
promote the value of reading and literacy;
promote the value and fun of books;
promote an Australian writer and publisher;
promote storytime activities in libraries and
provide opportunities to involve parents, grandparents, the media and the wider community to participate in and enjoy the occasion.”

This year the wonderful book called ‘The Wrong Book’ by Nick Brand is the chosen story.

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Together with Room 3 we read about the author, and discussed the story. We read the story together on Mrs. K’s i-Pad. It was such a funny story!

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Were you able to read or listen to the story today?

We can’t wait until next year for another simultaneous storytelling!

Maths Tasks

This term Mrs Nelson and Mrs K have worked together to prepare maths tasks that we rotate through each week. They are in line with the Australian National Curriculum. We have been put into four groups and each day we have a different task.

Here are the tasks we are doing this week.


It’s great fun! Everyone is kept busy and we are all engaged. You might notice that there are codes on some of our work. They are secret codes that Ann Baker has been helping us with. She is teaching us about Natural Maths. We use the codes to show our thinking.

Here is some of our work.








Sometimes we work with a partner and sometimes by ourselves.







At the end of the lesson we reflect on our work and share our learning.

We use AirServer which allows us to share our work from the i-Pads onto the whiteboard. A great App to do this is called ‘Explain Everything’. You take a photo on the i-Pad and you can then annotate with it and explain what you were thinking in your maths.

Do you enjoy Maths? What are you learning in Maths?

Book Boxes

Friday was a fun day for Room 4. We went shopping  to collect books to put in our new book boxes. Friday is the day when we go shopping so that the books are ready for us to read on Monday. This is the first time we have ever done this. We have been practising Read to Self and Read to Someone but it has just been with our readers. Today we looked for Good Fit books to put in our boxes so that as we build our Stamina, we will have many more books to read. We have to make sure that we read our readers first and then we can pick from our book boxes. To begin with we read at our tables but as we get better we look forward to finding lots of interesting places to read by ourselves.

We also enjoyed reading with our reading partner and we have started to ask our partners questions about what they have read, so that we can check for understanding. We ask questions that start with: When,Why, What,  Where, Who and How. As Year Ones, Mrs K is very pleased with the sorts of questions we are beginning to ask.

Mrs K will add more photos later as we continue to build our Stamina in reading.

Do you have book boxes? What sorts of books do you like to read?

Acrostic Poems

This week our Show and Tell Topic was to make an acrostic poem using the letters in our name. What a lot of interesting words were chosen. Energetic, Active, Loving, Artistic were very popular. The children enjoyed sharing their work with the class and it was fun to hear the words that were chosen.

Wach this PictureTrail to see the great work we did. Many thanks for all the hard work in creating such interesting posters!


If you did an Acrostic poem, what words would you choose for your name?