Book Boxes

We have been working on our Stamina as we read our books to ourselves each morning. We are able to read quietly, stay in one spot and remain focussed on our books for quite a long time.

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This morning we were very excited because Mrs. K spoke to us about Book Boxes. We have our own boxes and into them we need to put good fit books so that we are able to continue with our great reading.

We got to go book shopping! We put all our books on the tables and we went round and chose books to put in our boxes. It was such fun! Now when we Read To Self and Read To Someone we will have lots of books in our boxes to read.

Book Boxes

Friday was a fun day for Room 4. We went shopping  to collect books to put in our new book boxes. Friday is the day when we go shopping so that the books are ready for us to read on Monday. This is the first time we have ever done this. We have been practising Read to Self and Read to Someone but it has just been with our readers. Today we looked for Good Fit books to put in our boxes so that as we build our Stamina, we will have many more books to read. We have to make sure that we read our readers first and then we can pick from our book boxes. To begin with we read at our tables but as we get better we look forward to finding lots of interesting places to read by ourselves.

We also enjoyed reading with our reading partner and we have started to ask our partners questions about what they have read, so that we can check for understanding. We ask questions that start with: When,Why, What,  Where, Who and How. As Year Ones, Mrs K is very pleased with the sorts of questions we are beginning to ask.

Mrs K will add more photos later as we continue to build our Stamina in reading.

Do you have book boxes? What sorts of books do you like to read?