R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day at Craigburn Primary School

Today our school community joined in the National R U OK? Day initiative, a day dedicated to checking in on the wellbeing of others. It was a meaningful opportunity for students and teachers to engage in important conversations around mental health and emotional support.

Throughout the day, teachers led classroom discussions and activities, introducing students to the importance of asking, “Are you okay and how such a simple question can have a positive impact on someone’s day.?” The focus was

Students took part in a whole-school R U OK? Day mural. This collaborative art project allowed students to express their creativity while also encouraging open conversations with their peers in a supportive environment. The mural was a visual representation of support, reminding everyone that no one should feel alone in their struggles.

In addition, staff were also recognised and checked in on, enjoying delicious R U OK? Day cakes as a reminder that everyone deserves care and attention.

R U OK? Day was a powerful reminder to reach out and connect with those around us, every day.