The Weekly Wrap – Term 3 Week 9 – 2024

Talented Singers

Congratulations to our school choir, led by Mr. Marin, for their wonderful  performance at the Festival of Music on Friday night at the Festival Theatre! We are proud of their dedication, effort, and hard work in preparing for this special event. Well done to all our talented singers – a memorable night for everyone involved.

R U OK? Day Wrap

On Thursday, our school proudly participated in National R U OK? Day, an initiative focused on checking in on the well-being of others. Students and teachers engaged in meaningful discussions about mental health and the importance of asking, “Are you okay?”

The day featured a collaborative R U OK? Day mural, where students expressed creativity while fostering supportive conversations. Staff also enjoyed delicious R U OK? Day cakes, reminding everyone to take care of themselves and each other.

It was a powerful reminder of the importance of connecting with those around us. Read more here.

Quiz Night – Save The Date

Our Friends of Craigburn team have been busy preparing a School Quiz Night – to be held at the school on Saturday 9th November in the school hall.

Stay tuned for further details early this week – including booking details and sponsorship / donation opportunities.


We’ve noticed a number of students have been away recently due to various illnesses. As we navigate through this, we’d like to gently remind you of some guidance from SA Health regarding the common illnesses we’re seeing at the moment:


  • SA Health – COVID-19 Information If your child tests positive for COVID, please inform the school, as we are required to report these cases to the Education Department. Children should stay at home for 5 days from the date of the positive test and may return to school once they are symptom-free.



Common Cold:

To help reduce the spread of these and other illnesses, we kindly ask families to keep an eye on the recommended incubation periods and keep children at home if they are unwell or need time to recover. Thank you for your support.

URSTRONG – Friendology Update

Has your child come home upset about a friendship issue at school? As a URSTRONG Family, we encourage using our friendship language in your home. Ask your child, “Is this a Friendship Fire or something Mean-on-Purpose?” 

Read more here.

Remember to activate your FREE Parent Membership to become a URSTRONG Parent Member,

Relief Teachers

Teachers may be absent from their duties for various reasons, such as personal or family illness, short-term leave, participation in professional development, or student assessments. During these times, we strive to employ temporary relief teachers (TRTs) familiar with our students and school. However, due to the high demand for relief teachers across the education system, it is not always possible to secure our regular relief staff or access any relief teachers at all. In such cases, we make every effort to adjust classes to ensure continuity in our learning programs.

Friendly Reminders

Remaining Student Free Day 

A reminder that our remaining student free day for 2024 is in Term 4 Week 7 on Monday 25 November. OSHC will be open for bookings

Hats back on!

Please ensure your child has a hat before they come to school every day.  School hats are required for recess, lunch and other outdoor learning activities. School hats can be purchased through Qkr!, or at the front office.

Planning for 2025

Planning is underway for the 2025 school year, which includes organising staffing, class structures and placements. To assist with our planning, we would appreciate it if you could advise us if your child(ren) will not continue their schooling at Craigburn next year. If this is the case, please contact the school via phone 8270 4144 or email This does not include any current Year 6 students. Thank you.

Lost Property 

Lost Property is continuing to build up again – please check for any items that may have been misplaced.

School opens at 8.30am

Students should not be on school grounds prior to this time unless supervised by a parent / carer.

Traffic and Parking

The local council has clear signage / road markings in relation to off-street parking. We respectfully ask families and friends to be extra mindful of adhering to the parking rules and regulations. This is in the best interest of safety for our students / families and local residents.

We also remind parents not to enter the top entrance (by the water tank). This is a staff only entrance.

Vacswim – Enrolments Open

Enrolments for the 2024/25 season are now open! The 2024/25 season block dates are as follows:

  • Block 1: 16/12/2024 to 20/12/2024 (Monday to Friday)
  • Block 2: 06/01/2025 to 10/01/2025 (Monday to Friday)
  • Block 3: 13/01/2025 to 17/01/2025 (Monday to Friday)
  • Block 4: 20/01/2025 to 24/01/2025 (Monday to Friday)

Unsure which location you’d like to enrol in? Visit THIS PAGE to view our 120+ locations!

Recent Posts 

Yearly Planner 2024

Term 3 

  • Governing Council Meeting – Monday 16 September
  • End of Term – Friday 27 September – Early Dismissal

Term 4

  • Term 4 Starts – Monday 14 October
  • World Teachers Day – Friday 25 October
  • Governing Council Meeting – Monday 28 October 
  • Year 4/5 Camp – Monday 28 – Wednesday 30 October
  • Year 6 Camp – Monday 4 – Wednesday 6 November
  • Melbourne Cup Day – Tuesday 5 November
  • Remembrance Day – School – Monday 11 November
  • Reception Transition 1 – Wednesday 13 November
  • Governing Council Meeting – Monday 18 November 
  • Reception Transition 2 – Wednesday 20 November
  • Student Free Day – Monday 25 November
  • Reception Transition 3 – Wednesday 27 November
  • Celebration Night – Monday 9 December
  • Year 7 Graduation – Wednesday 11 December
  • End of Term / School Year – Friday 13 December