The Weekly Wrap 2024 – Term 2 Week 9 – 2024

Thank you for taking the time to read through this week’s wrap. A special shout out and thanks to our Friends of Craigburn parent team who have been busy organising many fun and engaging community events, which have recently included the Movie Fundraiser and this week’s Oodie / Hoodie Day.

Second Hand Uniform Shop Update

Hello Craigburn community! CALL OUT FOR UNIFORM DONATIONS/CONSIGNMENTS Do you have uniform pieces that are too small/excess to your needs? We would LOVE to have them in our second-hand uniform shop please! In particular, we have a few families on the look out for the following items: Short sleeve polo

School Sport SA Sapsasa Update

Sapsasa District Representatives: Congratulations to Charlee P, Molly V and Emma T who have been selected into the Southern Heights Sapsasa Netball team. The girls will participate at the 3 day State Netball Carnival at Netball SA Stadium this week. Statewide Schools Soccer: This week our Sapsasa soccer team competed