FRIENDOLOGY – Friendship Fire Facts


Research shows that about 85% of conflicts at school are what we call Friendship Fires’.

These are normal, low-level friendship issues like misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and disagreements.

Knowing how to put out those Fires and get friendships back in that Green-Zone on the Friend-o-Meter is one of the most important friendship skills students are learning through the Friendology curriculum.

This month, we are focusing on FORGIVENESS.

Help your child flow towards forgiveness with this Friendship Fire Think Sheet’.

Remind them to focus on what they can control.

As you guide them, remember to calm your protective instinct and ask yourself  “Should I STEP-IN or STEP-BACK?”

As a URSTRONG school, Craigburn parents have access to FREE URSTRONG resources that explore various friendship concepts like the above.

These tools will help you learn the same language and strategies being taught in the classroom through the Friendology 101 curriculum, empowering you to support your child on their friendship journey.

To become a URSTRONG Parent Member, click on the link to activate your FREE Parent Membership.