The Weekly Wrap 2024 – Term 1 Week 2 – 2024

We hope you had a chance to relax over the weekend after the busy first week back at school.

It was great to see many new and familiar faces come together for a coffee / chat on Friday morning. We look forward to many opportunities for parents and friends to come together throughout the school year.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this week’s wrap and other recent news posts.

Term 1 Planner

As mentioned in last week’s wrap, we are in the process of finalising our Term 1 and Yearly Planner. In the interim, please save the dates for the following events:

  • Acquaintance Night – Monday 12th February – details attached
  • Student Free Day – Friday 16th February
  • Annual General Meeting – Monday 19th February – more details to follow
  • Adelaide Cup Public Holiday – Monday 11th March
  • NAPLAN starts – Years 3 and 5 – Wednesday 13th March
  • Year 3-5 Swimming – from Monday 25th – Thursday 28th March
  • Year 6 Aquatics – Wednesday 27th March
  • Good Friday / Easter Monday Public Holidays – Friday 29th March / Monday 1st April
  • Sports Day – Friday 5th April
  • Reception – Year 2 Swimming – Monday 29th April – Friday 3rd May

More dates to come.

Acquaintance Evening – Monday 12th February

We invite all families to join us for our upcoming Acquaintance Evening on Monday 12 February, from 5.30 to 7.00pm.

We highly value the community culture we have at Craigburn and the relationships formed between home and school.

Acquaintance Evening is an opportunity for students, teachers and families to come together and establish these important relationships at the beginning of the school year. Further details here Acquaintance Evening – Monday 12th February – 2023

Reminder – Student Free Day – Friday 16th February 

As shared late last year – 2 student free days are confirmed for 2024, as follows:

  • Friday 16th February – Term 1 Week 3
  • Friday 9th August – Term 3 – Week 3

Note – OSHC is available for bookings

A further 2 student free days will be scheduled and communicated to families early in the new school year. A school closure day (a day of local significance) will also be scheduled, which typically aligns with the week of the Royal Adelaide Show. 

After School Sport

Craigburn has a long and successful history with after school sports. Over the years, students from the lower to upper primary years have represented their school with pride, participating in a wide range of sports. Parents too, have shown a strong commitment to supporting school sport by volunteering in multiple roles – eg coordinator, coach, manager, scorer. 

Participating in school sports fosters a sense of belonging, fun and school pride among students. It instils valuable lessons in teamwork, discipline, and sportspersonship, which are essential for personal development and success beyond the playing field. 

In Term 1, after school sports on offer for students in term 1 are Cricket and Basketball. Please take time to check in with the following posts to gain information and for registration details.

Registrations are urgently required for teams to be nominated and registered for their respective competitions.

End of Season Basketball Presentation Photos – 2023 

Health Information

We ask families to please keep in mind some key guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our school community.


We are still required by the Department to report any positive COVID-19 cases. If your child displays cold symptoms, fever, headaches, etc., please test them for COVID-19 and inform the front office if the result is positive. If your child tests positive, please refrain from sending them to school or OSHC for 5 days. No child should attend school while showing symptoms.

Gastrointestinal Issues (Vomiting/Diarrhoea)

Your child can return to school 24 hours after their last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea. For instance, if they vomited in the afternoon, they should stay home for the entire next day.

Head Lice

Your child can come back to school as soon as they have been treated for head lice.

Thank you for your support and understanding as we all work together to maintain the health and safety of our school community.

Friendly Reminders

Take Home Packs

Last week your child took home an envelope, containing the following information:

  • Materials and Services Charge Invoice with payment information and options.
  • Student Change of Details form – only to be completed if there are any changes to family and emergency contact details, and medication requirements. Please check details thoroughly and sign before returning to school in the envelope – either in person at the front office or via your child’s class teacher.

School Card

Low-income families are able to get financial help with school fees, materials and services charges, through the School Card scheme. All types of School Card applications are now online. You can access the online forms from any device that gets the internet,  including mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, as well as laptops and computers. 

Application details can be accessed through the Department’s School Card scheme page.


As per our Sunsmart policy, a broad-brimmed or legionnaire style hat must be worn during outdoor learning lessons and play times when the UV rating is 3+ (mostly summer, autumn and spring months). Hats are available for sale – please enquire through the front office.

​​Safety, Traffic and Parking

A friendly reminder to families to please follow local council parking rules, especially when using the ‘drop-off and pick-up’ zones on Murrays Hill Rd and Heath Lane. Please, also be considerate of local residents when parking close to the school for any length of time. Please also note:

  • Local Council Rangers often attend schools unexpectedly to monitor school zones and will issue infringement notices as they deem appropriate. 
  • Vehicles entering the drop off / pick up zone off Murrays Hill must continue through the zone if a temporary parking space is unavailable – this prevents traffic building up on Murrays Hill Rd.
  • The staff car park is not to be used for the drop off and pick up of children as doing so is dangerous and causes congestion – unless using the disability access park and displaying a permit.
  • We ask parents to refrain from parking in the staff car park after 7.30am in the morning and before 5.00pm in the afternoon. If accessing OSHC please temporarily park in the drop off / pick up zone.
  • Please contact the front office for emergency access.

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