CategoryGeneral News

Finance News

M&S fees – Your child will have brought home an envelope containing your family statement and this year’s Materials and Services invoice. If you have more than one child at school, each invoice will come home separately, but the family statement lists the total of all invoices for the family

Sapsasa News Term 1 – 2024

Sapsasa Swimming Interested Yr 4 – 6 students (born 2012 – 2014) have received information to nominate for the Sapsasa Southern Heights Swimming Carnival on Friday 1st March. Consent forms and invoices will be sent home with students early next week with details of the events they have been nominated

Canteen News

The canteen has now been re-stocked and all the usual products are available. The Qkr! app has unfortunately had a few problems and hidden some products that were available, for example noodles and half hot-dogs. This issue has now been rectified and they are available. Apologies to families who went


Dear Families we will be running the Scholastic Book Club again this year. We really do value reading at Craigburn and wish to provide your child with as many reading opportunities as possible. When you purchase an item from Book Club the school gets Scholastic Rewards which can be used

Sapsasa Information 2024

School Sport SA – Sapsasa, organises and conducts various competitions for primary school students throughout the school year. There are 3 levels of Sapsasa teams/sports: Statewide Schools Competitions (school-based knockout) District and State Carnivals/Championship Individual School Championships. Team sports are generally for Year 5 and 6 students and individual sports

Choir Information – 2024

Dear parents/caregivers, Music is an important part of what makes Craigburn Primary such a great school. This year, once again, our school will be participating in the Festival of Music, which allows hundreds of public schools across South Australia to perform together at the Festival Theatre. On top of this,


CRUSHER NEWS FLASH!! Our Crusher machine is now ready for students to enjoy. We now also have the addition of a “Mini Cup” (150ml) for only $1:00. We still have the regular size (225ml) available for $2:00.             PROFILE UPDATE As we have commenced a

Canteen News

Welcome back to a new year of food in the Canteen! We have unfortunately started off with a power problem causing two of our fridge-freezers to defrost, which means we have had to discard all the food stored in them. Whilst we re-stock, which will only take a couple of


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