National Simultaneous Storytime

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Tomorrow is National Simultaneous Storytime day. This is one way to celebrate reading and show just how much we love reading books. This will be the 13th year of the National Simultaneous Storytime and we are celebrating by reading the book by Nick Bland called The Wrong Book. We might also use this book as an inspiration to try to create our own books.

Our class will be using the app to read the book – it’s an interesting app because we can listen to the book and also record our voices reading the book.

We’ll post some photos of our activities tomorrow.

Here’s today’s photos. We invited Mrs Chick’s Year 2 students in to read with us and loved it so much we read it twice. We used Airserver to show the book on our Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) wirelessly. We chose different students to turn the pages on the iPhone while we read along and listened to the book on the IWB.

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