Buddies – playing games!

Today we met with our Year 5 buddy class – as we do every Tuesday.
This week we went to the gym and played lots of different games. Some of these were Up Words, Uno, pick up sticks, card games, Connect Four, dominoes, concentration, chess and lots more!
We had a great time – lots of fun and laughs together.

Here are some photos of today’s games.

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Do you have a buddy class? If you do, what types of activities do you like to do together?

Family Blogging Challenge

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This is our last week of the Family Blogging Challenge. We’ve loved reading everyone’s thoughtful comments each morning as we start our day.

Our last question for our families to try and answer is:
What were your favourite games to play at school or after school?
Can you explain to us how to play the game so that we could try to learn it?
We look forward to hearing from you!!


Today we had the whole Unit to ourselves. The 2 other Year 2 classes went on an excursion to the Migration Museum – we’re going tomorrow!

In Play we could choose any activity we liked. We needed to choose our activity (and stick with it!), find any materials that we might need and work on our activity together.

Some of the activities we did were:

  • building a HUGE cubby house
  • box construction
  • using the computers – to play Maths games or different sites we like
  • using the iPad – with different apps like Super 7
  • playing card games
  • using construction equipment.
We had a lot of fun – using the whole building for our Play activities.
During our sharing session at the end of Play we reflected on what we did, why our activities were successful and what we learnt. One of the main things we found was that everyone co-operated with each other and joined in with activities in a positive way.
Here are some photos of our Play session today.
Do you do Play at school? If so, what are some of your favourite activities to do?