Computing Monitors

On Monday this week Laurie, Lachlan, Hannah and Jenny worked with Mr Luke, our Deputy Principal, and other Year 3 and Year 4 students. Mr Luke ran an induction programme to teach these students how to:

  • set up our laptop trolly
  • store the laptops
  • make sure the laptops are recharging between sessions in classes and overnight
  • bring the laptops to our classroom and return them after our session
  • start the laptops and shut them down
  • and how to look after and respect the school laptops that we have – so they last a long time and can always be used.
Laurie, Lachlan, Hannah and Jenny spent quite a bit of time working with Mr Luke so they had a thorough understanding of what is expected of them as our class monitors.
It is also the monitors responsibility to train other members in our class to do the jobs we’ve mentioned above. That way we can work as a successful team and all learn how to take responsibility for the school’s resources.
Here are some photos of the training session.

Laptop Monitors on PhotoPeach

Our team of monitors did a wonderful job on their first day – congratulations to Laurie, Lachlan, Hannah and Jenny for being so responsible!
Does your school have computer monitors?
How do you look after the computers in your schools?


6 thoughts on “Computing Monitors

  1. Well done to all students in Miss Sporn’s class. You are all very clever and are very responsible learners especially when using tools such as laptops and iPads. Thank you to the laptop monitors – you are quick learners. I’m already looking forward to our next training session. From Mr Luke

  2. Wow that is to awesome how you did that ( how did you do it?)
    I also agree with lauren!!! It is awesome how you can click and spin it!!!

    your friend,

  3. Thats so awesome how you put that little video together! My favorite part was that you get to move the pictures and click on it when you want to see the one you want to see. Oh, by the way I am a quad blogger so ya.


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