This week we began our student led conferences. This is a special time when we share our learning with the families in our class. Each student has prepared a recording sheet that reflects their learning using the You Can Do It – Program Achieve titles of:
- Confidence
- Persistence
- Getting Along and
- Organisation.
We used our books to show examples of our learning in these areas. We needed to choose our work samples very carefully to make sure they match what we’ve been talking about.
The children have had to be very brave and work hard to complete this task. It is a big task to run a meeting with parents and teachers there and talk about your learning, achievements and set goals for the future.
So far the students who have presented have done an amazing job – congratualtions!!!
We’re sure the rest of the student led conferences will go really well too.
Here are some photos of us planning our work to share.
Wow! I’m impressed! I wish they’d taught us such fabulous skills when I was at school. Looking forward to Libby’s conference tomorrow.