Here are some of the claymation iStop Motion Movies our class has created.
This is the first time we’ve had a go at trying to tell a narrative story in this format.
After our popcorn and viewing afternoon we reflected upon our movies – the quality of them and ways to improve them. We thought that for a first attempt our movies were pretty good. Each group told a story, we could easily see the characters and how they contributed to the story and the plasticene characters were well made.
We’ve decided to add music to add more interest, we need more screen shots to make our movies longer, we needed larger backgrounds so that we couldn’t see anything but the background (no movement or people in shots) – we think these changes will add far more detail to our stories and make them more interesting.
Here are some of the movies ( we’re having a few technical hiccups publishing some of them onto You Tube ).
Tell us what you thought of our movies. Can you give us any tips or tricks that might help us to improve our movies?
Have you tried claymation before? Did you use iStop Motion to record them
Istop motion was a very fun activity. My favourite part was when we got to make the characters.