Special Visitors

Our class is so excited – tomorrow we are having two very special visitors to our school.

Mrs Freebairn’s class and our class are hosting Rebecca Morse and Kate Freebairn at school. It’s  a part of the new Weather in Schools program that will be on every Thursday on Channel 10 News. We are the very first school they will be visiting in South Australia.

Channel 10 News


We are going to have Rebecca Morse visit our class and we are going to do some different reading activities with her from our Daily 5 Reading Cafe. Then she will be doing some Maths activities with Mrs Freebairn’s class. After that our 2 classes will meet and chat with Rebecca about her job as a news reporter and presenter.

Later in the afternoon Kate Freebairn will be giving her weather presentations from our school too. Again, both of our classes will be working with Kate and helping her learn about our fantastic school.

This is how excited we were when we heard the news that Rebecca and Kate were visiting.


Can you suggest some questions that we could use when we speak with Rebecca or Kate?








2 thoughts on “Special Visitors

  1. I can’t wait to watch you all on the new tonight! I’m sure you will come up with some interesting questions to ask.
    Maybe you could ask them what they studied to enable them to work on the news?
    Or, you could ask them what sort of books they like to read?

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