During Term 3 our class participated in the Premier’s Be Active Challenge. The challenge was to do at least 60 minutes of physical exercise, 5 days a week for 1 month. Last Friday the class members who completed the challenge received their medals from Mrs Pettman – our PE teacher. We had bronze, silver and gold medalists.
Here’s our bronze medalists – Julian and Tyla.
Our silver medalists – Jack, Frank, Kai, Jackson, Liam, Tara, Jessie, Holly W and Jaime.
Here’s our gold medalists – Holly B, Arman, Ava M, Ethan, Soomin, James and Ben.
Congratulations to everyone who worked really hard to earn their medals and good luck for working on the challenge in 2014.
Congratulations to you all for “being active”!
Keep up all the physical activity!