Our class has had a very busy term developing our narrative writing skills.
We have had a strong focus on:
- the structure of a narrative story – introduction, problem and resolution
- how to use paragraphs in our writing
- how to write an interesting and entertaining story
- different adjectives to make our stories more interesting
- using words from our Daily 5 reading activities to expand our vocabulary and then use these new words in our writing
- editing our writing – correcting any misspelt words, adding capital letters if needed, adding fullstops, commas or speech marks
We have written a variety of narrative stories and shared them with our classmates.
THEN we chose to look at the different narrative stories we read everyday during our Daily 5 reading tasks.
Each student was given a picture fiction book (they were meant to be hidden in a brown paper bag but some were too big to fit in them) and an activity sheet to complete.
The children needed to find out the title, author, setting, characters and problem/ resolution for each book.
We had a great time reading different narrative stories and working out all the different parts of the stories.
Here are our books
Narrative Books on PhotoPeach
Can you recommend any interesting narrative stories we might enjoy reading?