Personal Inquiry Time

We had an AMAZING Personal Inquiry time session today. Our Personal Inquiry time is a direct link to the Genius Hour  passions you may have read about. The students in our class have loved having time to make, create, investigate something they are passionate about. Every week they’ve investigated new areas or revisited topics that they’ve loved and want to investigate further. When we reflected upon today’s session we thought today’s session was OUR BEST ONE EVER!!

We had lots of different creations – arcade games (inspired by Caine’s Arcade), models made out of popsticks, clay, cardboard boxes, paper, recycled materials, iPad presentations – after a bit of app smashing, Art works, shoe box dioramas, books, cooking – with a Keynote pressie to show others the steps to make Milo Balls – just to name a few!!!

Each week we reflect about our session and discuss our successes, disasters and what we can do next time. Our reflection sessions are a really important part of the process and it’s how we learn about each others creations and what inspired them to create it.

Here’s some snap from today’s session:

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3 thoughts on “Personal Inquiry Time

  1. Great work everyone – looking forward to coming in and chatting to you about your creative work. You are all geniuses. Mr Luke.

  2. Hi from the Yukon! Your projects are awesome! I am trying to encourage teachers in my school to try #geniushour and will share your blog to get them inspired!

    • Hi Cyndi,
      Thanks for your positive feedback – great to hear from people reading our blog. We’ve just LOVED our #geniushour projects – the children are just flourishing!
      Keep in touch and thanks for sharing my blog with others.

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