Memory Bags

As a part of developing our oral language skills, each day we have a small group of students present about a topic to the rest of the class. Their Sharing Time topic usually relates to our unit of Inquiry, in this weeks case the topic was bring a bag of memories.

We read a book called Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox and used some of the ideas in the book to present information about ourselves. We had a special brown bag with the explanation on the outside and decorated the bag to show things we liked.


This week we learnt a lot about the people in our class – things that bring back lots of different memories, things that make them laugh, things that make them cry and special treasures that they have.

Here are some of the photos from our Sharing Time sessions.IMG_4425 IMG_4424 IMG_4423 IMG_4422 IMG_4420 IMG_4418 IMG_4407 IMG_4403 IMG_4402 IMG_4401 IMG_4398 IMG_4397 IMG_4395 IMG_4394 IMG_4393 IMG_4391 IMG_4390 IMG_4389 IMG_4388 IMG_4385 IMG_4384 IMG_4382 IMG_4381 IMG_4380 IMG_4379 IMG_4378 IMG_4376


5 thoughts on “Memory Bags

  1. Guten Tag Frau Sporn’s Klasse,

    Your latest sharing topic sounds so interesting! I hope you can share some of the items in your bags during our next German lesson.

    Auf Wiedersehen,
    Frau Smith

  2. Hello Miss Sporn’s class,
    Wow! What a lovely way to share and discover details about your fellow classmates. Such special treasures and memories to show and to cherish! The Badgers loved looking at all your fantastic pictures of your special objects. We look forward to seeing your adventures over the next school year!
    Please come and see all the exciting things we have done over the last couple of weeks!

    From Miss Brown and the Badgers

  3. Hi Miss Sporn’s class – great to see everyone sharing – I’m happy to bring in some things which I’d love to share too. I’ll wait for the invitation. Regards, Mr Luke.

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