Nature at it’s best!

We have been very lucky to be given to caterpillars for our classroom to observe. We’ve had 1 caterpillar for over a week now and it’s body is making huge changes.

The caterpillar ate lots and lots and LOTS of green leaves – it seemed to  double in size each night from eating so much.

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Then it hung upside down and in the shape of the letter j. Under it’s skin it began to form a chrysalis and it’s feet and head were no longer needed. The antenna shrivelled up and it worked it’s old skin upwards and it’s body downwards.

Then, over the next few minutes we watched the caterpillar push the old skin right out of the way.   Then it gyrated as it finally got rid of all of it’s old skin.

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Then it puled up the chrysalis shape we all know and then the formation of the chrysalis was complete.

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Now we’re waiting to see how long it will be until the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis.  It’s been 4 days now and we’ll try to record it emerging from the chrysalis.

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What changes have you noticed about our caterpillar?

What colour do you think the butterfly might have on it’s wings?

Here’s a YouTube clip showing the metamorphosis process.

Here’s caterpillar number 2 – who’s followed exactly the same process. It made it’s chrysalis today… a matter of minutes.

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