We use the Daily 5 CAFE menu as our reading focus EVERY day when we practise our reading skills.
This week we have focussed on:
Read “good fit’ books – everyone has their own book box to manage. It has some levelled readers and books that interest us. Each reader knows most of the words in the book, they use the pictures as clues and they’re interesting to the reader.
Read with expression – we use different tones when we are reading to make our books “come alive”. We look at the text for clues that we may need to change the expression in our reading voices, e.g. bold text, larger text and a story character speaking.
Back up and re-read – Back up and reread is a strategy consistently used by proficient readers because it works so well. When meaning breaks down, going back and reading again will often help improve comprehension, especially if the rereading is done more slowly, with more intention and focus, allowing the brain to absorb the meaning of the content.