Seesaw App

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Today we’ve sent home the QR codes for each student to use to access their work on the Seesaw app.  Our class is really excited to be using Seesaw to share their learning – we can’t wait for families to see what we’ve posted so far.

To our parents – please check your child’s diary for their personal QR code and then enjoy viewing their learning.

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How did you find the Seesaw app to use? What did enjoy about your child’s learning?

Happy Father’s Day

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We’d like to wish all of our Dads and Granddads a very happy Father’s Day. We’ve had a busy week making special presents and cards – we hope you love them. We loved making them for you.

All of the children in our class love to spend time with our Dads – after our shopping trip at school it was lovely to hear all of the reasons for their shopping choices.

Here are just a few snaps of our shopping trip at school- all bought with lots of love.

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What did you do to celebrate Father’s Day?

Footsteps Dance

Today we started our Footsteps dance lessons.  It was a great first lesson – boy was it LOUD!! We learnt a single dance to the song called Everybody Dance Now.

We will be learning a mixture of dances by ourselves or a partner dance. Our instructor was called Sarah and she was a great teacher.

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What did you enjoy about today’s lesson?