National Simultaneous Storytime

Today was National Simultaneous Storytime day. This day is used to celebrate how much we LOVE reading and encourage everyone to read even more. It also celebrates Australian authors and publishers. Check out the website on the link above to read more about it.

The story this year was The Cow Who Tripped Over the Moon by Tony Wilson. We thought it was a great story and really enjoyed watching and hearing the story on our IWB.

We were also lucky enough to have Levi from Room 1 read the picture book to us too. We thought Levi did a great job reading to our whole class – he read really fluently, used expression and showed the pictures clearly to the audience.

After listening to the Cow Who Tripped over the Moon we created our own pictures describing different ways to get the cow over the moooooooooooooon! We used Doodle buddy, the Seesaw drawing tool or Book Creator app on our iPads to draw the picture and then wrote sentences to describe our pictures. Then we shared our pictures with our families using the Seesaw app.

We also used air server to beam our items onto the IWB and share them with the class. You can see our iPad screens in these pictures. We had some very creative ideas to get the cow over the mooooooooooooon – trampolines, spring loaded boots, rockets, canons, catapults – just to name a few.


What did you think of the story? How would you get the cow over the moooooooooooooon?


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