As a part of our Sharing Time topic last week, we were asked to bring along our favourite book to share with the class.
We had lots of different books that were all “good fit” books – a good fit books suits your reading level and skills. We’ve learned about good fit books from our Daily 5 Cafe learning. It was a bit like our book sales – for our sales we bring along books to recommend to other readers. They might like the sound of the stories/ series of books and we love to share our books – we all love to read!!
Here are some photos of our sharing time sessions last week. Each person who brought a book had a small group of children to share their story / stories with. We had lots of fun sharing and learning about each others books.
Sharing Time – Favourite Books on PhotoPeach
What are some books that you like to read? Can you recommend any great books we might like to read?
I have so many books that I love to read.
One of my favourites when I was your age was called Opstreporous! It was about a kite… I think you would all enjoy reading it!