Daily 5 Reading

During the first two weeks of school we’ve started to use the Daily 5 Reading Cafe for our reading programme.

We LOVE it!

We’ve all been using the Daily 5 for our Reading and Word Work over the last few years, so it’s great to continue our learning journey.

We’ve been working on building our stamina during Read to Self and we’ve had lots of fun using EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee) during  Read with Someone. We’ve got  our anchor charts to make sure we all stay on task and keep focussed on developing our reading skills.

Here’s some photos from this weeks sessions.

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One thought on “Daily 5 Reading

  1. WOW!!! looks like you are all really enjoying reading time… I love looking at where you all sit, it really does look like EEKK reading. You are all in for a wonderful year with Miss Sporn as she will inspire and encourage your child and you as parents as well. I hope you all enjoy the year ahead i know i will……

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