Swimming Week

This week all of the Reception to Year 5 students had daily swimming lessons at the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre.

Our class had lessons every afternoon. Our Year 2 students swam for 45 minutes and the Year 3 students swam for 90 minutes.

We learned so many new skills – diving, pin drops, learning how to swim specific strokes properly, floating, safety tips/ skills and so much more!

Next week we will post some detailed swimming blog posts about the exact skills we learned and how we felt about our swimming lessons. Make sure you come back to the blog during next week to see our updates.

On the last day of our lessons we took our class bear, Biggles, to the pool so that he could see how much we’ve learned during the week. We took a couple of photos of Biggles by the pool. Here’s Biggles looking great poolside!

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Listen to Reading

Yesterday was our first session of Listen to Reading for the year. We wrote our anchor chart that keeps us on track for our reading behaviours. We LOVED our session and we were all very happy reading for just over 30 minutes – we would’ve read for longer but needed to do some other activities.

We used the class sites and apps mentioned on our blog to help our reading. We used laptops, desktop computers, iPods and iPads. After our session we shared some of the stories we’d heard and recommended them to our classmates.

Here’s some photos from our session.

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SRC Reps for Semester 1

We would like to congratulate Jaime and Jackson on becoming our SRC reps for Terms 1 and 2 of this year.

We had 6 students nominate for the 2 positions of SRC reps. Everyone spoke clearly, confidently and gave us lots of reasons to consider voting for them – there were lots of important values and behaviours they explained. We had to think very hard before casting our vote.

The reserves (back ups) for Semester 1 are Holly and Tara – congratulations girls.

Here are our reps Jaime and Jackson.



Here are our reserves Holly and Tara.

IMG_9892We look forward to these people representing us at meetings.


Daily 5 Reading

During the first two weeks of school we’ve started to use the Daily 5 Reading Cafe for our reading programme.

We LOVE it!

We’ve all been using the Daily 5 for our Reading and Word Work over the last few years, so it’s great to continue our learning journey.

We’ve been working on building our stamina during Read to Self and we’ve had lots of fun using EEKK (elbow to elbow, knee to knee) during  Read with Someone. We’ve got  our anchor charts to make sure we all stay on task and keep focussed on developing our reading skills.

Here’s some photos from this weeks sessions.

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2014 – Welcome to our new school year!

Myspace Banner Generator

Hi Everyone,
I’m looking forward to meeting our new class on Tuesday – the first day of school for 2014.
It’s going to be a very HOT week for our first week at school so make sure you pack extra bottles of water, some sunblock and your hat!
Enjoy the last few days of your holiday – the Australia Day long weekend!
See you Tuesday – I hope you’re feeling as excited as I am about returning to school.

Christmas Messages

Well everyone it’s our favourite time of the year – Christmas is coming!!

We’ve had some fun using our photos on the Jib Jab website – check out our videos.

We think they look wonderful and will give you a few laughs.

JibJab Clip1 from Tara, Jessie, James, Liam Sp and Tyla!


JibJab Clip 2 from Spencer, Ethan, Liam Sm,  Jackson and George!


JibJab Clip 3 from Holly B, Aiden, Riley, Jasmine and Ben!


JibJab Clip 4 from Frank, Arman, Julian, Jack and Kai!


JibJab Clip 5 from Jaime, Ava K, Ava M, Aimee and Holly W!


We hope you really enjoy these clips – they’re lots of fun!!!

Celebration Night

Last night Craigburn Primary held it’s annual Celebration Night on the school oval. This is a fantastic night where groups of classes show their dancing skills and many talents. It is a chance for the students to celebrate their wonderful year at school.

There were 6 items from classes across our school.

The Reception classes had an item called “Shake your groove thing.”

The Year 1 classes danced to “Cartoon Heroes.”

The Year 2/3 item was called “Push it to the Limit.”

The Year 3/4 item was “Roar.”

The Year 5/6 classes were amazing in the “Dance Battle Disco Hip Hop.”

The Year 6/7 students danced to “Larger the Life” together and then the Year 7 students performed a fantastic dance called “Putting on the Ritz.”  At the end of the Year 7 dance they posed for a great photo as they are the graduating class of students for 2013.

It was a pretty cold evening and our concert is outdoors – we were really pleased it didn’t rain and that the show could go ahead.

Thanks to all of the parents who came along to support us and our school.

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We’ve moved!

Over the last week our old classroom has been packed up and we’ve moved to Room 4 – across the school. We’d like to say a huge thank you to all of our helpers – staff, parents and students. We had lots of support to move all of our equipment and set it up in the new classroom. We now have one and a half rooms to share with the Year 3 class and we love all of our new space!

Here’s a few photos of the ‘big move!!’

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