This week we did some really fun and creative Christmas cooking with Jackson’s mum, Kim.
We made a Santa on a sleigh and mini puddings. They looked really yummy – almost too good to eat but we still ate them!
Today Craigburn had Gala Day. It’s one of our favourite days of the school year. This is a day where Year 3-7 students are able to run a stall to raise money for our school. The students need to organise everything related to their stall: planning who’s in their group, what each stall will offer, making posters for advertising, getting their materials ready, having plenty of materials needed. It a wonderful chance for our students to show how enterprising they can be.
The stalls can be anything you choose: cake stalls, games, sponge throwing, soccer skills games, searching through slime for a prize, basketball hoop throwing, lucky dips, face painting, a nail salon, drinks stalls and a whole lot more!!!
We have 2 sessions for stall holders. The first is for R-2 students and then the Year 3-7 students have their turn. Everyone brings lots of coins to spend – most things cost 20c, 50c or $1.00. There’s lots for everyone to try and it doesn’t cost too much.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mr Luke for organising the stall holders and all of the stall holders – once again we loved Gala Day!
Here’s some photos from today’s Gala Day.
Last Thursday our class travelled with Mrs Chick’s class to the city to visit 2 museums as a part of our Inquiry learning.
First we visited the SA Museum to look at how Aboriginal children played and viewed different Aboriginal artefacts. We also pooped into some of the other displays in the museum. It was such an interesting place to visit – we’d love to go back soon!
Next we visited the Migration Museum to investigate people’s celebrations from around the world. There is a special display of maps, artefacts, books and all sorts of items that explain the celebrations of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was really interesting to view the tapestry wall hanging in the foyer and then enter the larger display of items from Bosnia Herzegovina.
Here’s some photos of our very busy day.
Museum visits on PhotoPeach
What did you enjoy about our excursion?
Today we had our Year 2-4 Sports Expo. Mrs Pettman (our PE teacher) organised lots of different sports for us to try. These sports were:
We had a great time trying these different sports. Lots of us had never heard of squash before and these courts were inflatable!!
A HUGE thank you to Mrs Pettman for organising another fantastic Sports Expo.
Here’s photos of our day.
Sports Expo on PhotoPeach
What was your favourite part of the Sports Expo?
Tomorrow our class leaves for a 3 day camp at Arbury Park Outdoor Education School. The school had some bush fires recently and so we’re very excited that we can still go on camp.
Stay tuned for future posts of photos from our fun and exciting camp.
During Term 3 our class participated in the Premier’s Be Active Challenge. The challenge was to do at least 60 minutes of physical exercise, 5 days a week for 1 month. Last Friday the class members who completed the challenge received their medals from Mrs Pettman – our PE teacher. We had bronze, silver and gold medalists.
Here’s our bronze medalists – Julian and Tyla.
Our silver medalists – Jack, Frank, Kai, Jackson, Liam, Tara, Jessie, Holly W and Jaime.
Here’s our gold medalists – Holly B, Arman, Ava M, Ethan, Soomin, James and Ben.
Congratulations to everyone who worked really hard to earn their medals and good luck for working on the challenge in 2014.