Excursion to Tailem Town

Last Friday our class travelled with the Year 1/2, 2 & 3 classes to Tailem Bend to visit  Old Tailem Town. This excursion tied in perfectly with our Inquiry unit about Artefacts.

Old Tailem Town is set up like an old town – it has houses, long/short drop toilets, movie theatres, garages, mechanics, a fire station, a police station and dungeon, old trams and trains, general stores, hotels, hospitals and so many more spots to visit. People are free to wander around the town and explore!

We walked around all of the different parts of Tailem Town and went into lots of the buildings to see how our earlier settlers lived. We looked at the rooms in houses, the old furniture and meat safes, table settings, beds, furniture and farming equipment and vehicles. There was so much to see and do – we had a really busy day!!

As we toured around the village we could see how many different items in our homes have changes, for example: fridges, washing machines, toilets, plates, cutlery, wardrobes – just to name a few.

Here are photos of our day.
Tailem Town – Part 1 on PhotoPeach

Tailem Town – Part 2 on PhotoPeach

What did you think of Tailem Town?

Channel 10 Visit with Kate Freebairn

Tonight our class was a part of the Channel 10 weather presentations with Kate Freebairn. We met Kate in the Library with Mrs Freebairn’s Year 4 class and made some weather pictures – sunny and rainy. We used these signs to help Kate present the weather.

It was lovely to meet Kate – she also knew some of the parents of children in our class through their jobs at Channel 10. Kate talked to us about her job and all of the responsibilities she has when she’s presenting the weather. It was a really fun, exciting and interesting day!!!

Here’s some photos of our weather presentations with Kate.
Channel 10 weather with Kate on PhotoPeach

What did you think of our presentation on the weather tonight?
Tell us what were the highlights of your day.

Channel 10 Visit with Rebecca Morse

Today our class met the Channel 10 News presenter, Rebecca Morse. She came to visit our school as a part of their new Ten At Schools programme. Each Thursday people from the Channel 10 team will visit a school to learn about the school, their students and the programmes they have to offer.

Rebecca read some books with us on our IWB and then read with Jaime, Kai, Tara and lots of other groups around the room.

Then we met Rebecca in the Library to learn about her career – how she studied to be a reporter/ journalist and then worked to become a presenter of the news reports. She also talked about her family and things she likes to do.

It was so much fun meeting Rebecca – she was such a warm, kind and interesting person to meet.

Here are some photos of our day with Rebecca.

Our Rebecca Morse Visit on PhotoPeach

Next we are going to have Kate Freebairn do the weather forecasts from our Library.

Special Visitors

Our class is so excited – tomorrow we are having two very special visitors to our school.

Mrs Freebairn’s class and our class are hosting Rebecca Morse and Kate Freebairn at school. It’s  a part of the new Weather in Schools program that will be on every Thursday on Channel 10 News. We are the very first school they will be visiting in South Australia.

Channel 10 News


We are going to have Rebecca Morse visit our class and we are going to do some different reading activities with her from our Daily 5 Reading Cafe. Then she will be doing some Maths activities with Mrs Freebairn’s class. After that our 2 classes will meet and chat with Rebecca about her job as a news reporter and presenter.

Later in the afternoon Kate Freebairn will be giving her weather presentations from our school too. Again, both of our classes will be working with Kate and helping her learn about our fantastic school.

This is how excited we were when we heard the news that Rebecca and Kate were visiting.


Can you suggest some questions that we could use when we speak with Rebecca or Kate?








National Simultaneous Storytime

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Tomorrow is National Simultaneous Storytime day. This is one way to celebrate reading and show just how much we love reading books. This will be the 13th year of the National Simultaneous Storytime and we are celebrating by reading the book by Nick Bland called The Wrong Book. We might also use this book as an inspiration to try to create our own books.

Our class will be using the app to read the book – it’s an interesting app because we can listen to the book and also record our voices reading the book.

We’ll post some photos of our activities tomorrow.

Here’s today’s photos. We invited Mrs Chick’s Year 2 students in to read with us and loved it so much we read it twice. We used Airserver to show the book on our Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) wirelessly. We chose different students to turn the pages on the iPhone while we read along and listened to the book on the IWB.

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Mother’s Day

We hope all the Mums have a wonderful Mother’s Day today – especially the wonderful Mums from Room 24. We hope you like the presents we made and bought especially for you!

Here’s some photos of us making our presents.

How are you celebrating with your Mum?