Genius Hour

Last Friday we had a fantastic Genius Hour session. We had quite a bit of variety in the creations that were made and everyone was highly organised, which helped our session be really successful.

Some of the activities that the students did were:

  • baking different goodies
  • book making
  • 3D Model designs using Maker’s Empire
  • cardboard model making
  • cardboard arcade games
  • teddy bear sewing
  • and Super Pad song making.

Everyone had a great session because they were organised, knew the order of the steps to complete their projects, had all of the materials they needed and worked well with a partner.

What was your favourite part of Genius Hour last week?

Indigenous Weaving

Today we worked with Miss A as we continue to learn about Indigenous people in Australia.
As a part of our activities we did some weaving with plants that are local to the area we live in, which is the same land of the Kaurna people. We looked at the plants Aborignals use for weaving and other ways that these plants can be used. When Aborignals do weaving it can be to create many different objects they need for their daily lives, e.g. baskets to carry food, to carry tools, to carry grasses to do more weaving with.

We used some weaving frames to start going over and under with the grasses that we picked from our school gardens. As you can see in the pictures, we did lots of weaving and could really see our progress. We look forward to seeing them on display in the front office area.



Squiggle Art

We have been very creative and made some ‘squiggle art‘ pictures.

We all started with the same squiggles on our page and then created lots of different pictures. Then we used the Chatterpix app to make our pictures talk! We explained what each picture was showing and how we created it. Our last step was to share these pictures with the families in our class via Seesaw.

Here are our Squiggle Art clips.

Personal Inquiry Time – Let’s Be Creative!

Every Friday from 12noon ’til 3pm our class is having Personal Inquiry Time. We do lots of inquiry learning about different topics  (Maths & Inquiry topics) during the week but this is a special time for each student to pursue something they’re really

After our discussions the students realised this was a chance to be as  creative as possible and choose to create an object of any kind. We have had long class discussions and planning sessions so that each student is clear that they have 3 hours to create something that interests them personally.

Our whiteboard was covered in plans and ideas for the class to share and show what they would be creating.

The following photos show most of the items that were created last Friday.

The students created:

  • iMovies
  • 3D models – lots of different structures
  • Lego movies
  • sewing kits used to make puppets
  • dioramas
  • art works
  • Minecraft characters
  • charts
  • chocolate chip cookies
  • and many more items!!

After our 3 hour session we did a gallery walk to see what people in our class had created.

We loved looking at all of the details of each creation.

We reflected that we need to stay focussed for the entire 3 hour session, challenge ourselves, make sure our creation is detailed – we have  plenty of time, teamwork is a great help, we need to have all materials ready to go, get help if you need to and how wonderful it feels to be really empowered by making decisions about your own learning.

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What are you planning for your next ‘creating’ session?

Can you make any suggestions for our students – items to inspire them / challenges for them?