Using our iPads in Reading

We are currently reading a Geronimo Stilton book as our class novel. Alice, one of our Year 2 girls, brought the novel in because she thought we’d enjoy reading a book from her book collection at home. Thanks Alice!

During our reading sessions we draw different images that are described in the book to help us create a mental image of what’s happening in the story. We often share our pictures afterwards during a gallery walk to see how other class members see the same description. This also supports our Daily 5 Reading CAFE strategies – creating a mental image. It’s a very important skill to develop as a reader.

We used the Seesaw app drawing tool to draw Geronimo Stilton entering a school for a presentation. He arrived there in a taxi and was very nervous during the taxi ride. He’s going to make a speech at the school and this is why he’s so nervous. Each student was asked to draw what they could picture in their minds and then use the microphone tool to give a verbal description of their picture. Then they posted this to their folder in Seesaw. We’ve had lots of positive feedback to our pictures already.

Here we are during the drawing process.

What did you think of our drawings?

Line Designs with Shading

Over the last few weeks we have been working on a shading Art activity. By carefully drawing and colouring (shading) our line designs our 2D pictures became 3D. The children became really excited as their colour work developed and their pictures really became 3 dimensional! We found this activity on this amazing Art website called Teach Kids Art.
3D Shading Art work on PhotoPeach

What do you think of our Art works?