Our class has been participating in the Global Children’s Challenge. Our challenge is to “walk our way around the world.” Each student wears a pedometer everyday and records their daily steps in their log book. Each morning our class tally’s the total amount of steps that we’ve taken together. We enter our steps and they are divided by the number of children who gave their step tally’s to give us an average step count. This is entered and we start to “walk our way around the world.”
We started the challenge at Niagara Falls and have moved around North America, South America, including the Amazon Rainforest, over to Africa, over to Madagascar, back to Africa and we are currently in Kampala, Uganda.
This is challenge provides us with so much information about the world we live in – we love reading about our destinations, what money they use, the capital cities and states and names of countries and where they are in the world. We’ve learned a lot about countries around the world and their cultures.
This is also a great way to recognise the amount of exercise we already do, plus it challenges us to keep moving. We aim to walk 10,000 steps each per day- this keeps us fit and active. We need to work as a team and encourage and support each other. It also improves our number skills in Maths – we need to read higher numbers, add them and work out who is our highest stepper for each day.
Here is a link to the challenge if you are interested in signing up for 2013.

Last Friday our class was 139th in the world – we thought it was so impressive we took at screenshot of the leader board with our position.

What do you think about our progress? Are you enjoying the Challenge?