This post is especially for our family members or anyone who would like to post a comment.
In our class at Craigburn Primary School we love to use technology to support our learning. We’ve been learning about ways to work ‘safely’ online. There are some important points we must remember when we’re using technology online. They are:
- protecting our personal information
- online etiquette
- digital footprints
- how technology has changed over time
Technology is changing so quickly – here’s a clip to show just some of the changes over the last 30 years.
Just look at how much information is published to the Internet in just 1 minute!
Now that we have students bringing iPads from home to use at school our learning is becoming more exciting by the day!
We use our Interactive Whiteboard everyday (they’re in every classroom and some rooms have Apple TVs) and it’s a great learning tool for us to use.
We have created a Google slide presentation to show the types of technology we love to use – both at home and at school.
We would love to hear about the types of technology that our parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and family friends have used – maybe even add a picture so we can see what it looks like. Maybe you’ve used a Discman, Walkman, Gameboy handset, electronic typewriter….or something we’ve never heard of! We look forward to hearing from you all.
What forms of technology have you used?
The latest information sessions for Term 2 are about to start – if you would like to attend the introduction course and start our iTunesU course please follow this link.