On Friday we had our annual Gala Day. This is an opportunity for the Craigburn students to have a stall for the students to visit. This year we had over 40 stalls and there was a real variety on offer for our students to experience.
Members of our class held 4 stalls. They were:
- Decorate your own Cake – buy a cupcake, ice it and decorate it with lollies
- Bits n Bobs- selling a variety of cards, bookmarks, keyring and grass heads
- Footy Kick – knock the pins down with a footy kick
- Hit the Target & Marble Run – how high can you score but throwing a tennis ball through the target and how fast can you roll a marble through the marble run track (inspired by our work on Genius Hour activities).
The students who don’t run a stall can visit the stalls to buy food, drinks or play some sort of game.
Gala Day is a wonderful chance for our students to show how enterprising they can be. They spent a lot of time planning their stall, working out what the students would like to do/ eat, what prizes they’d need to offer, where to get the prizes, how much their stall activity would cost for students to try and advertise their stalls prior to the day.
They had to really work well together – using lots of different skills like – co-operating, compromising, collaborating, using team work skills, using lots of Mathematics for adding amounts and giving change, problem solving and so many more skills.
We felt very proud of our students for running a stall – they were all a great success. The children LOVED every minute of their day. It was a very windy day and there were lots of issues from the wind but we overcame the difficulties to have a highly profitable and fun day.The money raised will go towards school resources like: outdoor furniture, new 4 square courts and other resources that have been nominated by classes through their class meetings.
We’d like to say a huge thank you to our families who are a HUGE support – they help all of our children with materials for their stalls, as well as providing money to spend on the day.