Today Miss Sporn set up her laptop with Jelly Cam running for the entire school day. Jelly Cam is set that it takes 1 photo every 10 seconds and then joins those photos together to make it into a movie.
You will notice how our day has run.
Our Friday routine was:
- come into the classroom and get ready for the day
- using laptops to publish narrative stories
- fruit time and sharing time
- recess
- getting our readers and book boxes ready for buddy class reading outdoors
- buddy spelling test
- going to Library for borrowing and browsing
- lunch
- coming after lunch and reading Witches – our class novel
- leaving the room to play “Water and Ice” in the gym
- free time for 15 minutes
- packing up for the end of the day and getting ready to go home
- leaving for home!
Here was our day.
Untitled from Lisa Sporn on Vimeo.