Our class had a fantastic session with the CSIRO Lab on Legs teachers.
This year we chose the topic of Push and Pull. ‘Push and Pull’, a workshop designed for students from Reception to Year 3, provides young learners with the opportunity to observe, investigate, share and record their observations about forces. Using hands-on equipment, students examine some of the ways in which forces are applied and the resultant outcome.
Forces are at work in everything we do-we push to open doors and pull to tie ropes. Gravity is a force which pulls things down and keeps them down.
The demonstrations and hands-on activities will be chosen from the following topics:
- Balanced & unbalanced forces
- Waddling ducks-measurement
- Motion & mass
- Force and distance
- Magnetism
- Repulsion and attraction
- Floating & sinking
- Cartesian divers
- Centre of gravity
- Balancing point
All of the Reception – Year 3 students are participating in the workshops this week.
CSIRO Lab on Legs on PhotoPeach
Are there any suggestions you can make for future investigations for the students?
What was your favourite part of today’s session?