Open Night

On Tuesday night we held our annual Open Night. This is a wonderful night for all of our families and friends to visit every classroom or learning area. Classrooms had different activities around:

  • Technology – using Scratch for coding and showing other ways we enhance learning through the use of laptops and iPads
  • Mathematics – showing different numeracy tasks used in classes
  • Inquiry – what are our latest inquiry topics and looking at our investing skills
  • and showing any learning that’s been a priority in each classroom.

Families were encouraged to collect a passport and collect stamps from different classrooms and the Library, Garden Centre, the German room and  the Gym. This was an easy and fun way to encourage our families to visit lots of different places around he school.

It was lovely to see many of the families from our class and chat with them. Our students were amazing tour guides – showing their families around and explaining all of the activities that were set up.

Here’s some of the families visiting our room:

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Open Night

We’ve just had our annual Open Night at Craigburn Primary School. It was lovely to see all of the families in our school visiting every classroom and looking at the displays, play games, look at learning shown on iPads or iPods, look at their children’s books and so many more activities that were on offer.

Here’s a few photos from our evening in Room 4.

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We also had a padlet up on our IWB for people to share their reflections about tonight.

Open Night at Craigburn Primary

Tonight we held our annual Open Night at Craigburn Primary School. It’s a brilliant opportunity for our families and friends to visit our school and tour through all classrooms and learning spaces. Our class had lots of learning on display – our structures brochures, the picture  books we’ve made, apps showing our learning on iPads and iPods, problem solving tasks using the problem solving skills we’ve been practising, our iMovie trailers (in the gym) and so much more.

The students in our class were asked to take their parents, carers and families on tours through the whole school. It’s a wonderful way to see what’s happening in our whole school – from Reception to Year 7.

We created a Padlet  and displayed it on our interactive whiteboard and asked visitors to our room to post comments.

Here’s our Padlet from tonight.

It was fantastic to chat with students from our class and their families. It’s also lovely to catch up with past students as they tour through. The students in our class did a wonderful job showing their learning and explaining lots of things to their families – it was great to see them being such excellent leaders.

Here’s some photos of our visitors tonight.

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Open Night

Tonight we held Open Night at school. We all love Open Night as it gives everyone a chance to show their learning in every classroom in the school. Our choirs performed in the Hall, the Pedal Prix team held a BBQ to raise funds for their team and then classrooms were open for everyone to tour.

This is a wonderful opportunity for every student and their families to tour our school. We can share our learning in so many different ways- showing our books, work on display around the room, learning on computers and iPads or iPods, models we’ve made and the list goes on.

What was your favourite part of Open Night at Craigburn Primary School?