
Last Friday afternoon the 3 classes in our Unit began a 3 week series of Electives. Parents have volunteered to run a variety of activities for the students. Each session runs for 1 hour and there are 6 people in each group.

This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to experience activities that they many never have done before. It’s also a really good opportunity to learn the rules of games properly and how to play by the rules.

The different activities are:

  • gardening
  • making lavender bags and pillows
  • singing lessons
  • yoga/ pilates / boxing lessons
  • basketball
  • jewellery design and making
  • board games
  • card games
  • playing Chinese Checkers
  • sewing
  • cooking pikelets
  • cooking cupcakes
  • cooking muffins
  • learning to play chess

Here are some photos of our first Elective session. Everyone had a great time and can’t wait for the next sessions this Friday.
Electives on PhotoPeach

What did you think of our Electives? What sessions have you signed ups or?