Seesaw Family App Update

Last week the Seesaw app had some major updates. Many of the changes were for teachers, through the addition of many features we can implement when using the Seesaw app in class with our students. The Parent app is now called Family and has also had some updates and new additions.

Here is a very handy YouTube clip outlining the updates for the Family app.



Using our iPads in Reading

We are currently reading a Geronimo Stilton book as our class novel. Alice, one of our Year 2 girls, brought the novel in because she thought we’d enjoy reading a book from her book collection at home. Thanks Alice!

During our reading sessions we draw different images that are described in the book to help us create a mental image of what’s happening in the story. We often share our pictures afterwards during a gallery walk to see how other class members see the same description. This also supports our Daily 5 Reading CAFE strategies – creating a mental image. It’s a very important skill to develop as a reader.

We used the Seesaw app drawing tool to draw Geronimo Stilton entering a school for a presentation. He arrived there in a taxi and was very nervous during the taxi ride. He’s going to make a speech at the school and this is why he’s so nervous. Each student was asked to draw what they could picture in their minds and then use the microphone tool to give a verbal description of their picture. Then they posted this to their folder in Seesaw. We’ve had lots of positive feedback to our pictures already.

Here we are during the drawing process.

What did you think of our drawings?

Seesaw app

Today each student brought home their Seesaw app note for parents. This note explains how parents can download the Seesaw parent app and then use each child’s specific QR code to access all learning that we’ve shared on the Seesaw site.

I hope you have a wonderful time looking at your child’s learning – this is such a fantastic way for us to communicate with our families.

Seesaw App

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Today we’ve sent home the QR codes for each student to use to access their work on the Seesaw app.  Our class is really excited to be using Seesaw to share their learning – we can’t wait for families to see what we’ve posted so far.

To our parents – please check your child’s diary for their personal QR code and then enjoy viewing their learning.

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How did you find the Seesaw app to use? What did enjoy about your child’s learning?