Year 2/ 3/ 4 Assembly

Yesterday we had our last assembly for the term. We shared our Aboriginal Art work and stories from our last unit of Inquiry. We all presented our Art works and then some of the students chose to read their stories. The audience really loved our stories.


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We also had a number of students receive Student Recognition Awards. The students who received certificates were:

Holly, Cailtin, Melody, Beth and Victoria. Congratulations to all  of the girls who received awards for their learning.

Jas was a great helper to Ms Terrell – she gave out the awards to each of the students.

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At this weeks assembly we had a number of students who received recognition awards. They’ve done a wonderful job in many areas of learning and leading our class.

Congratulations to Josh, Jasmine, Christy, Kynan and Maya on receiving their awards this week. Great effort everyone!IMG_1889 IMG_1888 IMG_1887 IMG_1885 IMG_1884