Channel 10 Visit with Rebecca Morse

Today our class met the Channel 10 News presenter, Rebecca Morse. She came to visit our school as a part of their new Ten At Schools programme. Each Thursday people from the Channel 10 team will visit a school to learn about the school, their students and the programmes they have to offer.

Rebecca read some books with us on our IWB and then read with Jaime, Kai, Tara and lots of other groups around the room.

Then we met Rebecca in the Library to learn about her career – how she studied to be a reporter/ journalist and then worked to become a presenter of the news reports. She also talked about her family and things she likes to do.

It was so much fun meeting Rebecca – she was such a warm, kind and interesting person to meet.

Here are some photos of our day with Rebecca.

Our Rebecca Morse Visit on PhotoPeach

Next we are going to have Kate Freebairn do the weather forecasts from our Library.

Fire Fighter Visitors

Our current unit of inquiry is about Safety – ways to stay safe, make safe decisions and ways to get help if you feel unsafe.

Today we had Fire Fighters Dean and  Tony visit our class.

First they talked to us about all the different  scenarios that we might find fire in – good fires or bad fires, what to do if our house is on fire, how to call for help and

Then they showed us the uniforms they wear into a fire and explained all the different parts of the uniform and how the uniform is coated in a material that makes it fire proof – that way it’s safe to wear into a fire. We looked at the masks they wear to help them breathe in a smoky building and the oxygen cylinders that help them breathe in a smoky building.

Then we went out to look at the fire appliance (truck) and the fire fighters explained each piece of equipment and what they use it for.

We asked lots of questions that helped us with our inquiry and they answered questions we had on our wondering wall.

Here’s some photos of our session today.

What did you think of today’s visit by Fire Fighters Dean and Tony? Tell us a message that you learned.