Procedure Writing

This week all of the Year 2 students in our Unit started learning about procedure writing.

Procedure writing tells us how to do or make something, eg a recipe.

It can include a picture or a diagram.

We are using the Writing Fun website by Jenny Eather to guide us with our learning. There are excellent examples of procedure writing for us to look at and give us ideas.

We started our procedure writing experience by making popcorn and then writing how we made it.

Here is the procedure writing text that we wrote.


Goal – You will make plain and yummy popcorn.

Materials –  popping corn

popcorn maker

a big bowl (to catch the popcorn)

small bowls ( to share the popcorn)

Steps –

1.  Pour the popping corn into the measuring cup.

2.  Pour the popping corn into the popcorn maker. Turn the popcorn maker on.

3.  Put the cup onto the top of the popcorn maker (so the popcorn can’t fly out). Put the big bowl next to the popcorn making machine.

4.  Wait – wait – wait – wait…. for the popping corn to heat up and start popping out of the popcorn making maching.

5. When the all of the popping corn has popped turn the machine off. Share the popcorn with everyone in small bowls.


Here is what happens to the popping corn as it turns into popcorn ready to eat!

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