Family Blogging Month

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We are about to start our third week of the Family Blogging Month Challenge. We’ve had a huge amount of support from our families, with lots of positive comments and feedback for us. We LOVE to read your comments at the start of our day.

Here is a photo of our chart – we have to copy this one and wipe it clear to start recording again – some children have run out of room to record who’s making comments!! Great news!!

So the question for this week is:
How have things changed in school since you were at school?
What differences do you see now in our class compared to when you were at school?

We look forward to your comments and look forward to hearing from you!

8 thoughts on “Family Blogging Month

  1. Hi room 24! When I was at school there was nothing ‘electrical’ in the classroom. No computers, ipad’s, ipod’s, laptop’s, iphone’s or interactive whiteboards. Once each week we went to the T.V. room and watched “Behind the News” and that was the only screen time we got. Teachers wrote with chalk on a blackboard, and we had ‘film-nights’ in the hall sometimes!! Aren’t I old!!! Have fun:)

  2. hi gosh things have changed alot since i was at school,which was 26 years ok .Teachers wrote only on blackboards there were no computers only calulators.We had 3 terms at school and you have 4 so you have more holidays yah plus we didnt have a uniform ,poor mum with all that washing.bye for now

  3. Hellooooo!!! Just had to contribute to this blog thingo as I was hearing all about it while I was here for bbq tea. Love the idea – great to read all about what Will has been up to at school and in his holidays.

  4. Sams mum Julie, here. Good morning. Your class is very different to mine. I went to such a tiny school that it was split between prep to grade 3 in one end of a portable and grade 4 to 6 in the other end. I was the only girl with 5 other boys in my year level. With sometimes only 15 kids in the whole school one year. We only had fans,no airconitioning, no computers, calculators or other electronics. We had 2 recesses and a lunch break, but didn’t finish our day until 3:30 and started at 8:30. Oh and we still had the cane for punishment . Ouch !

  5. A little birdie (Will) told me that Mr H has a new hip and Miss S is also going to get a new leg. Wow hasn’t the progress with medicine come a long way.

    See you Friday for reading.

  6. I started school 75 years ago, when we sat 2 to a desk and listened to the teacher who wrote in white chalk on a blackboard. If we misbehaved, we were sent to the Headmaster and if we were really naughty he hit the boys on the hand with a cane (NOT THE GIRLS!)
    When was in grade 6 I was appointed Drum Major for the school drum and fife band which was a very big deal.
    We all dressed in smart uniforms, with caps, and played various popular tunes, and marched, after daily school assemblies to salute the flag. We recited “I love my country, the British Empire, I salute her flag the Union Jack, I honour her King, King George the Sixth, I promise cheerfully to obey her laws”.
    You’re so fortunate to have such wonderful facilities at Craigburn – and such wonderful teachers!
    (Congratulations on this great web page – 10/10!!!!)

  7. How things are changed, when I went to school we used Abacas, which are beads that help you count. Now I can look at your marvellous work on a computer all the way from England!

  8. I am Lyn Evans, Harry Lemmey’s Auntie, his Nanny’s twin sister. When I was at school we used pens with ink. Everyone had a little ink pot on their desk which had to be filled up every day by the ink monitor. No computers, how things have changed. Have a good day everyone.

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