Welcome to 2012!!

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We are really looking forward to our new year working and learning together!!
What are some of the things you think we’ll be learning about?
Let me know what you’d like to investigate.
Keep checking our blog to see what we’re up to!

6 thoughts on “Welcome to 2012!!

  1. Happy New Year Miss Sporn. We celebrated New Years Eve in our pool with friends and now feel refreshed for 2012. I am looking forward to another year in your class and wonder what else you will pull out of your hat!!! Will

  2. Hi Ms Sporn, Happy New Year to you too. I had a great time on our boat just off the coast of Glenelg – we got to see 3 lots of fireworks from the water it was GREAT! What did you do? I not sure what I would like to learn, but more science experiments would be good. Seeing what happens when something changes when you add something else to it. I’m trying to improve my reading too and making sure I remember day, month and years etc.
    See you soon. Trent.

  3. Hello Miss Sporn and class! We are back in school today after our holiday break AND a snow day yesterday. The temperature this morning is 9 degrees F (brrrrr). We are looking forward to working with you this year. Chopper should be arriving by you soon!
    Mrs. N. Griffin

  4. Hello Miss Sporn’s Class,

    Happy New Year to you all. May it be prosperous and healthy.

    My name is Mrs Wardell and my class and I are really looking forward to sharing our work together through our blogs.

    There are 25 children in Kittiwakes Class at Flamborough CE Primary School, and we have had a go at quadblogging before but I wasn’t in my class for most of the time as we had a student teacher.

    As I am writing this, it is 7pm last night to you, as you will shortly be getting up tomorrow as it’s 5.30 am on Friday 6th January, your time. I think some of my children are still going to be finding that difficult to grasp.

    We are looking forward to another quadding adventure.

    Mrs Wardell and Kittiwakes.

    • Hi there Everyone,

      Thank you so much for your comments! What a lovely surprise. It’s now 8am here and I’ve just received your message – I am sleeping in a bit because we are on holidays!! We’ve had 1 turn at Quadblogging at the end of last year and it was interesting to look at the blogs of the different classes from around the world. This year we have a mixture of countries, last year all of our other schools were in England.
      We are on holidays for another 3 weeks. We’ve just had some very hot weather – 42deg Celsius. So we would have been indoors or swimming at the beach or in our pools.
      We are looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone when we are back at school.
      From Ms Sporn

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